Print / Culture mag Steinem
Pink Magazine
Pink talks to feminist icon Gloria Steinem about women, media and business during Women's History Month

Ms. Magazine Secrets of the Bonobo Sisterhood
Ms. Magazine ASJA Profile Award
Tourists in straw hats and flip-flops press their noses to the glass, trying to make sense of a strange, yet oddly familiar scene in the bonobo ape enclosure. One woman in the crowd, though--the scientist with long blond hair, denim miniskirt and black platform sandals--isn't at all perplexed.....

nytimes The Lion, the Witch and the Metaphor
The New York Times
Op-Ed Page
Though it's fashionable nowadays to come out of the closet, lately folks are piling in -- into the wardrobe, that is, to battle over who owns Narnia: secular or Christian lovers of C. S. Lewis's stories.

nytimes Inhaling Their Food
The New York Times
Op-Ed Page
IN her best-selling diet book, ''French Women Don't Get Fat,'' Mireille Guiliano says that when she was an exchange student in the United States she gained 20 pounds from the American way of eating -- specifically from junk food.

nytimes Fat Chance
The New York Times
Op-Ed Page
THE marketing campaign generating so much free publicity for a giant cosmetics company shows real women, rather than anorectic teenagers, in white bras and panties posing next to the slogan, ''New Dove Firming. As tested on real curves.''

Lifetime Bent Out of Shape
Lifetime Magazine, Front Page Award
"If the bra fits, it won't hurt," the saleswoman insists as she pokes her head into my dressing room, sizing up my bare breasts like two chicken cutlets in the poultry section.

nytimes Fade to Black
The New York Times
Op-Ed Page
Gray is the new black. Blue is the new black. Wearing the new black.

nytimes The Cups Runneth Over
The New York Times
Op-Ed Page
Want to know Victoria's Secret? I'll tell you...

sf chronicleA Century of Killer Fashion
San Francisco Chronicle
For years before two runway models died from extreme dieting, the focus was on thin.

Ms. Magazine Desperately Debating Housewives
Ms. Magazine Anthologized in Women's Voices, Feminist Voices
and Reading Desperate Housewives

...This show doesn't 'hark back' to the past--it skewers the myth of motherhood and suburban bliss with Feminine Mystique-inspired irony so sly that conservatives are as divided as liberals over whether to love it or hate it.

MsMag Taking Back the Whip
Ms. Magazine
Let's say you're swinging an 8-foot bullwhip--the kind that can reverse a stampede with a thunderous boom, yank the gun from the hand of your nemesis or vault you to freedom from a chandelier--and you unleash your first 'crack!'

Megiddo Firefighter Chic Blue-Collar Reality, Folk Hero Archetype
The Village Voice
The irony of their new hero status is not lost on firefighters. "I brought you a creamer," rock singer Patty Smyth announces to the men of Engine Company 74, walking into the kitchen of their West 83rd Street firehouse. "It's a manly creamer," says the onetime leader of the band Scandal, unwrapping the ceramic pitcher...

Megiddo Digging the Real Armageddon
National Geographic Traveler
NY Post Media City: "Real as if we were there."
Indiana Jones battled snakes, boulders, and heathens during his archaeological quests, which sounds fine to me. But I don't recall the scene where he wakes before dawn to kneel in the dirt scraping with a dental pick for three hours.

Zone The Zone Diet Wars: "Medical Miracles" Hard to Swallow
Los Angeles Magazine,
ASJA Outstanding Article Award
HOLLYWOOD-The miniskirted personal assistant is desperate. She just sped all the way from Malibu to buy a case of The Zone Center's special snack bars,but they're sold out. "Don't you understand?" she whines...

Broomstick Two-timers: Everyday items do double duty
Time Out NY (Sex Issue)
Toys R Us yanked the Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick because it proved TOO popular with girls and boys - and not just for Quidditch. The vibrating toy that you "ride between your legs" has become a collectors' item. How does it compare to other toys and household products?

Columbine Hugging The Spotlight: The Media at Columbine
Brill's Content
Dazed and spattered with blood, the girl with the pierced eyebrow stood out amid the chaos. Other students who had just escaped the gun assault at Columbine High School huddled together in weeping clumps. But Bree Pasquale wandered around by herself, sobbing.

Flowers Book of Exodus: Great Plot, but Did It Happen?
The Los Angeles Times
The Bible says Moses ended his days buried in a place unknown to any man. His nemesis, Pharaoh Ramses II, however, ended up in a glass case at the Cairo Museum. The pharoah's mummy may be one of few experts on the Exodus story that DreamWorks executives did not consult for their animated movie, "Prince of Egypt."

nytimes Japanese Flower Rebels
The New York Times
In a Greenwich Village garden apartment, seven young Japanese women conferred anxiously over a worktable. "Is it too tall?" Akiko Ogita asked. Pondering the possibilities for error, she stood still as a philosopher contemplating fate. "I'm worried, " she confessed. "This is my first time."

George Cop Griller: LAPD's Worst Nightmare Takes on the Feds
George Magazine
Padding along in white tennis shoes, khakis, and a polo shirt, the Brooklyn-bred bad boychik of the California bar moseys looks like an office clerk on a coffee run. But today is Stephen Yagman's big day -- he will depose the mayor of Los Angeles for his lawsuit accusing a secretive police unit of "murdering" robbery suspects.

Buzz Getting Civil with O.J: Veteran reporters won't schmooze the Juice
BUZZ Magazine
Dateline déjà vu. For old-timers on their second tour of O.J. trial duty, covering the Rehash of the Century is like attending a dysfunctional family reunion. You dread going, but once there you sorta have fun, even if you're forced to listen to the same old stories.

Garvey Cyndy Garvey: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Los Angeles Magazine, Cover
LOS ANGELES--"Late last fall, chef Hans Rockenwagner broke up with his girlfriend after two tumultuous years. Then strange things started to happen.

Chicago Tribune Oedipus Wreck (Back in the news 2014.)
Chicago Tribune
Psychoanalysts Say This Time, Woody Stars In Own Tragedy